Thursday 28 March 2013

News paper art

This week I’m going to show you a perfect rainy day craft.


What you’ll need:

·         A Canvas (just one from the dollar store)

·         Newspaper

·         Glue

·         Letter Stencils

·         Paint

The first thing you’ll want to do is glue newspaper onto your canvas, Make sure to cover it completely. I made sure there weren’t any pictures on mine, just words (it looks better).

Once the glue is dry, choose any and however many words you would like on your canvas. Shorter words work better. I chose Dance, Laugh, Dream, and Believe.

Take your letter stencils and place them on the canvas where you would like your word to be. You might want to tape them on so that they don’t move around. Once you have the stencils laid out in an order you like, paint over top of the newspaper.

When the paint is dry you can remove the stencils and...

Taaa daa!

Now you have a cute decoration for your bedroom

You don't have to stick to newspaper, you could use picture, sheets of music, or whatever else you'd like. just Have Fun with is and Be Creative!
Here's the one I made!

Tuesday 26 March 2013

A Trip To The Moon

A trip to the moon is a black and white movie from 1902. This was made before anyone had ever been to the moon. I honestly found it very boring, for a few reasons. There was no color and all there was for sound was music. I guess it just didn’t interest me. I found it a little strange, for example the fact that the moon has a face and the ship crashes into its eye. But considering they hadn’t seen the moon at that point in time it’s understandable.
 One thing that is kind of cool about “A Trip To The Moon” is that TV shows like The Simpsons and Family Guy have made references to it. Also bands have made music videos about it, so it is a pretty popular video.
There are so many jokes and references to videos and things from the past that we don’t even catch when watching television shows. Even though this video was boring it’s good to watch because now we can understand the references.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Something old, something new

One thing I love doing is taking something old and turning it into something new! This way, you still get that antiquey look, but can make it your own.

I’ll let you in on my tricks on how to turn an old window/ mirror into a jewellery holder.
Obviously, you’ll need to find an old window or mirror. Luckily Sussex has tons of old barns you’re guaranteed to find something antiquey looking!
First thing you’ll need to do is clean up. If your frame has been sitting in a barn for years you’ll probably need to fix it up Bust out the glass (just be careful) and if it needs to be done, sand it down and touch up on the paint.

Once you have your frame all cleaned the fun can begin! There are tons of different options on how to hang your jewellery so be creative. I used C-hooks, which can be purchased at the dollar store, to necklaces. If you want to hang earrings chicken wire worked really well. For a more feminine look you could use lace. There are so many options so be crafty!

Hope you enjoyed a cute way to turn something old into something new!



Here's the jewlery holder I made!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

The Bronswik Affair

The Bronswik affair is a mocumentary created to make us see how much television advertisements affect society.

Now the documentary goes a little extreme, when people but cart fulls of items they don't need , just because they saw them on a commercial. The reasoning for these weird shopping behaviours was because Bronswik television sets had a chip that sent certain waves and made you think you needed products you don't actually need. (There's a big scientific explanation on how the chip works but that's my short one).

Obviously this whole idea sounds ridiculous , right? But while watching the mocumentary I started to second guess myself and wonder if it was true. That just shows how gullible we can be to television and advertisements.

We tend to subconsciously believe what we see and hear, and the Bronswik Affair just demonstrates that.  

Thursday 14 March 2013

So I'm thinking of posting a pinterest craft each Thursday and calling it "Somthing Pinned". Pinterest is crazy addictive and my room is becoming crowded with crafts, so I thought I'd share some ideas.

This little craft is super easy and cute, plus you can personalize it!
What you'll need
·         A metal coat hanger
·         Some sort of string (Pipe cleaners work well)
·         If using string a glue gun

First things first, you'll need to unravel the coat hanger and straighten it out.

Next, you need to bend the coat hanger to form a small word (LOVE works really well). You'll need to make the word using cursive writing that way it's connected.

Now comes the fun part...

If you want to use pipe cleaners you'll need quite a few. Take a pipe cleaner and begin to wrap it around the metal, covering the entire thing.

Pinned ImageYou can also use any sort of string. I used hemp because I wanted somthing more simpler, but you can be creative and have some fun with it.

Like I said, it's simple and cute, and only takes about 10 minutes! Hope you enjoyed!

Question What You Read

This week in Media studies we had to answer a lot of questions on different types of media. The purpose of these questions was to make us think about what were reading and watching, and to question it (something we don’t often do).

Take magazine articles for example; they’re most often written by one author. This individual may have an opinion on the subject and most times it comes through in the writing. But who really thinks to question what their reading? I know most times I don’t.

News articles aren’t the only form of media that can give a bias opinion on subjects. It happens in television too.

One thing I never really noticed was all the product placements. TV shows are paid by companies to advertise their products and it happens all the time, it can be hard to notice. In just 11 episodes of The Amazing Race, there were 161 product placements... that’s a lot! Their getting so much many from advertising, no wonder the show has stuck around for 20 seasons!
The majority of people don’t question what they read or see in the media. It’s good to question things so that you can have your own opinion on things, not someone else’s.


Monday 11 March 2013

Its Prom Time

Seems like the one thing that’s on every senior girls mind lately, is prom. More specifically, the dress. Whether you’re in a rush trying to find that perfect dress, or beginning alterations, it seems like prom is on everyone’s mind.
Finding the dress isn’t always an easy task. With so many silhouettes and colors to choose from, it can be very overwhelming. I for one, will never get tired of trying on prom dresses, I love it. But for others it’s not as fun.
My advice for you if you’re still in the process of finding your prom dress is first thing: Try on different silhouettes and see which one looks best on your body-type. Once you have that figured out, the rest is pretty fun!

Choosing a prom dress should be a fun time so don’t stress! There are tons of dresses out there, and there’s the perfect dress just waiting for you!

Here are just a few of the dresses I tried on J