Thursday 28 March 2013

News paper art

This week I’m going to show you a perfect rainy day craft.


What you’ll need:

·         A Canvas (just one from the dollar store)

·         Newspaper

·         Glue

·         Letter Stencils

·         Paint

The first thing you’ll want to do is glue newspaper onto your canvas, Make sure to cover it completely. I made sure there weren’t any pictures on mine, just words (it looks better).

Once the glue is dry, choose any and however many words you would like on your canvas. Shorter words work better. I chose Dance, Laugh, Dream, and Believe.

Take your letter stencils and place them on the canvas where you would like your word to be. You might want to tape them on so that they don’t move around. Once you have the stencils laid out in an order you like, paint over top of the newspaper.

When the paint is dry you can remove the stencils and...

Taaa daa!

Now you have a cute decoration for your bedroom

You don't have to stick to newspaper, you could use picture, sheets of music, or whatever else you'd like. just Have Fun with is and Be Creative!
Here's the one I made!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed seeing your finished product. I may develop some courage and try it this summer. Do you think Ms. Cook, Ms. Amos and myself can do it?
