Tuesday 26 March 2013

A Trip To The Moon

A trip to the moon is a black and white movie from 1902. This was made before anyone had ever been to the moon. I honestly found it very boring, for a few reasons. There was no color and all there was for sound was music. I guess it just didn’t interest me. I found it a little strange, for example the fact that the moon has a face and the ship crashes into its eye. But considering they hadn’t seen the moon at that point in time it’s understandable.
 One thing that is kind of cool about “A Trip To The Moon” is that TV shows like The Simpsons and Family Guy have made references to it. Also bands have made music videos about it, so it is a pretty popular video.
There are so many jokes and references to videos and things from the past that we don’t even catch when watching television shows. Even though this video was boring it’s good to watch because now we can understand the references.

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