Thursday 14 March 2013

Question What You Read

This week in Media studies we had to answer a lot of questions on different types of media. The purpose of these questions was to make us think about what were reading and watching, and to question it (something we don’t often do).

Take magazine articles for example; they’re most often written by one author. This individual may have an opinion on the subject and most times it comes through in the writing. But who really thinks to question what their reading? I know most times I don’t.

News articles aren’t the only form of media that can give a bias opinion on subjects. It happens in television too.

One thing I never really noticed was all the product placements. TV shows are paid by companies to advertise their products and it happens all the time, it can be hard to notice. In just 11 episodes of The Amazing Race, there were 161 product placements... that’s a lot! Their getting so much many from advertising, no wonder the show has stuck around for 20 seasons!
The majority of people don’t question what they read or see in the media. It’s good to question things so that you can have your own opinion on things, not someone else’s.


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