Monday 3 June 2013

Censorship on Facebook

So, we all have that one (or more) facebook friends that post pictures and statuses that are completely ridiculous, or inappropriate. It’s really important to censor and think about what you’re putting on a social media network, because once it’s seen it’s always out there.

Before I post a picture on facebook, I look at it obviously to make sure I don’t look stupid, or that there isn’t anything that would offend anyone. Also I check for spelling mistakes because we all have those annoying facebook friends who always correct spelling errors. I honestly don’t do very many status updates, but when I do I make sure that it’s nothing too personal and something I don’t mind the whole world knowing (which is why I don’t end up updating my status very often).

People really need to censor what they put out there. Even if you delete it, someone may screen shot it before you get a chance to delete it and it can be sent to anyone and still seen. It’s super important to think about what is being posted on the internet, with your name on it.

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