Wednesday 29 May 2013

How Social Media Changes The Way We Interact

Although social media is great, it helps us stay in touch with those friends and family who live far away, this constant way of socializing takes little effort and is not always a positive thing.

Talking to someone on facebook or twitter is super convenient and is really making us lazy. Why would we drive down to our friend’s house to see them when we can just send them a message on facebook? People are starting to forget about face to face interactions. Lots of relationships are not only starting online, but ending online. It seems like people talk to their friends more on social networking sites and texting than in real life.

Aside from the loss of face to face interaction people are becoming addicted to social networking. I know when I get home from school the first thing I do is check facebook, twitter, and instagram. This is totally subconscious and looking at how much time I waste on these sites is ridiculous, and I know there are people out there way more obsessed than I am.

Social Media is changing the way we interact with each other and our relationships. Since social media is so easy and takes minimal effort that’s what people seem to be choosing. Personally, I prefer face to face interaction. I still text and facebook message people but I think it’s important to see people and interact with them in person.

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