Wednesday 29 May 2013

Social Networking and Privacy

Who doesn’t love wasting time on facebook? Well most people do. There’s nothing wrong with social networking, but you do have to be careful with your privacy.

There are so many creepers out there, I know from firsthand experience, and if you don’t have enough privacy on your facebook account they can find you and look at all your pictures. Who wants creepy old men going through all their photos? ew… not me!

The good thing about most social networking sites is that there are privacy options. You can protect your photos, statuses, and information from strangers, but the problem is some people aren’t aware of these settings and other’s just say they don’t care who sees their postings.

People should care about creepers finding out their name, hometown, how they look, what they like. Social networking makes stalking so much easier. People need to be smart with their privacy settings on social networking sites. As long as people are smart and have privacy on their accounts social networking can be a safe thing.

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