Saturday 23 February 2013

What If...

What if there was no cable, radio, or news networks, and only individuals created content?

Well one thing’s for sure; our world would be a completely different place! It’s hard to even imagine a world with none of that, I grew up with cable never giving it a second thought. Children now days are mind blown that when their parents were growing up there were no cell phones, so it is most certainly strange to imagine a world without cable, radio, or news networks.

If there were no news networks nobody would really know what was happening on other sides of the world. We would be unaware to what is going on outside of our own community.  I think that life would be very community based and many people would have bias opinions.

These bias opinions would come from the fact that only individuals would be creating content. So if everyone hears one person’s opinion, nobody will second guess it. The irony in this is that is that today we are brought up having bias opinions. We don’t think to challenge the things we see on television or hear on the radio, we just go with it. In that sense, the world would not be too much different.

Life would for sure be different and strange if there were no cable, radio, or news networks, and only individuals created content.

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