Monday 11 February 2013

How does the media impact our perception of reality?

The media has a HUGE impact on our perception of reality. Were constantly surrounded by the media and it most definitely alters our perception of beauty.

Take a look at a magazine. The model on the cover of that magazine looks beautiful, right? Well that model has a ridiculous amount of makeup and hair product, not to mention photo shopping. If we took all that away, is she still beautiful?

Were so used to seeing “picture perfect” people on TV, the internet, billboards that we start to think in order to be beautiful you need to look the same way. When that mascara commercial comes on and we see how long and volumized the models lashes are, we want to go buy it. The media has impacts our perception of beauty and many girls think they need to look just like a super model to be pretty. But in reality, the supermodels don’t look anything like their pictures. Our perception of reality is majorly impacted by the media.


  1. What a great idea to use that picture to explain your thoughts! really shows how made up models can be. I remember seeing Oprah on one of her shows without makeup...I couldn't believe the difference. No could I imagine putting that much makeup on my face every day.

  2. I love the use of the picture to express your idea just don't forget to cite where you took the picture from. Be a good digital citizen
