Thursday 6 June 2013

Summer Bucket List

Summer is the best time of year regardless, but having a summer bucket list full of crazy adventurous things can make your summer of 2013 that much better!
So what’s on your bucket list? Here are some things on mine!
·         Have a paint war
What could be more fun that having a huge paint war with all your friends? Yes it’s messy and a perfect opportunity for a fun photo op! Paint war’s are easy and make great memories. All you need is lots of paint, some friends, and a big field!

·         Road trip
Now I know this one isn’t very original, but it seems that every summer I say I’m going to do a road trip, and it never happens. That’s why road trip is on my bucket list! Grad the girls, a car, and an awesome playlist and just drive until we find somewhere sweet to stay.

·         Cliff Diving

This one is a given. New Brunswick has tons of hidden cliffs and waterfalls perfect for diving in. One tip, make sure the water’s deep enough to dive! This could be super fun on one of those extremely hot summer days.

Now these are a few of the many items on my summer bucket list, but I feel that their fun and general enough to be on anyone’s bucket list! Don’t forget about the pool parties, beach days, shopping trips, and all of that. Also, remember not to limit your bucket list. What’s the big deal if you don’t get them all crossed off? There’s always next summer! Hope I inspired you to add a few adventures into your summer!



We are all well aware that bullying is a major problem in society. Bullying happens not only at school, but at home and online. People are dying and something needs to be done about this social issue.

My old dance teacher, Justin Saulnier, choreographed a dance called PRIDE with the dancers at Step In Time Dance School. It’s a beautiful dance done by an amazing choreographer and gorgeous dancers.

This dance is done to Ellen Degeneres’s speech on bullying. It is an extremely powerful dance, raising awareness to the bullying problems in our world today.

I would definitely recommend you watch it, share it on twitter, facebook, and show it to everyone you know! Follow the link below, you won’t regret it!

Monday 3 June 2013

My Media Studies Journey

Throughout my semester taking Media Studies, I’ve learned a lot.

First of all, my eyes were opened to how the media can manipulate society into having false perceptions on beauty, and life. Also the media manipulates us into buying products by their advertisements.

I also learned a lot about how the media has developed over the years, and become more effective. Also how the media is changing the world and the way we all think.

In media studies I also learned a lot about social networking. It’s something we all do, without giving it much thought. Facebook, twitter, instagram and others are all amusing pass times, but if people aren’t smart then they can have bad effects on their future. People need to think about what they post because once it’s out there, it can always come back to haunt you.

I learned a lot in Media Studies and will think about it in the future. It was useful information and I think that most people should know this.

Censorship on Facebook

So, we all have that one (or more) facebook friends that post pictures and statuses that are completely ridiculous, or inappropriate. It’s really important to censor and think about what you’re putting on a social media network, because once it’s seen it’s always out there.

Before I post a picture on facebook, I look at it obviously to make sure I don’t look stupid, or that there isn’t anything that would offend anyone. Also I check for spelling mistakes because we all have those annoying facebook friends who always correct spelling errors. I honestly don’t do very many status updates, but when I do I make sure that it’s nothing too personal and something I don’t mind the whole world knowing (which is why I don’t end up updating my status very often).

People really need to censor what they put out there. Even if you delete it, someone may screen shot it before you get a chance to delete it and it can be sent to anyone and still seen. It’s super important to think about what is being posted on the internet, with your name on it.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

How Social Media Changes The Way We Interact

Although social media is great, it helps us stay in touch with those friends and family who live far away, this constant way of socializing takes little effort and is not always a positive thing.

Talking to someone on facebook or twitter is super convenient and is really making us lazy. Why would we drive down to our friend’s house to see them when we can just send them a message on facebook? People are starting to forget about face to face interactions. Lots of relationships are not only starting online, but ending online. It seems like people talk to their friends more on social networking sites and texting than in real life.

Aside from the loss of face to face interaction people are becoming addicted to social networking. I know when I get home from school the first thing I do is check facebook, twitter, and instagram. This is totally subconscious and looking at how much time I waste on these sites is ridiculous, and I know there are people out there way more obsessed than I am.

Social Media is changing the way we interact with each other and our relationships. Since social media is so easy and takes minimal effort that’s what people seem to be choosing. Personally, I prefer face to face interaction. I still text and facebook message people but I think it’s important to see people and interact with them in person.

Prom Hair

Although prom may seem far away, it's really not.. there’s less than 30 days until prom!


Most of us have already got the dress, shoes, and date, but who's started to think about the hair?! Well I just realized that the clock is ticking, and it’s time to decide on some prom hair styles!


For all of you girls like me who are still undecided, I hope I can help you out!

So first for those with beautiful long hair, you're probably more likely to want it down and curly. This Carrie Underwood look is perfect for those of you with long hair and a strapless dress. You can never go wrong with pretty feminine curls.


This next look is classic and elegant. A low chignon is simple and will look great with any dress. This is perfect for anyone with straight to wavy hair that just won’t hold curls.


Now for those of you with naturally curly hair I would recommend a Taylor Swift in spired hair style. This is elegant and makes your curls look great!


I hope this helped those of you scrambling to find a hair style for prom!


Social Networking and Privacy

Who doesn’t love wasting time on facebook? Well most people do. There’s nothing wrong with social networking, but you do have to be careful with your privacy.

There are so many creepers out there, I know from firsthand experience, and if you don’t have enough privacy on your facebook account they can find you and look at all your pictures. Who wants creepy old men going through all their photos? ew… not me!

The good thing about most social networking sites is that there are privacy options. You can protect your photos, statuses, and information from strangers, but the problem is some people aren’t aware of these settings and other’s just say they don’t care who sees their postings.

People should care about creepers finding out their name, hometown, how they look, what they like. Social networking makes stalking so much easier. People need to be smart with their privacy settings on social networking sites. As long as people are smart and have privacy on their accounts social networking can be a safe thing.